AWA’s mission is to conserve, preserve, and protect the natural resources of the Aquetong Watershed.
AWA's Strategic Vision
To maintain and enhance its quality and beauty.
Assess and monitor watershed conditions
Implement projects
Encourage sustainable ecological practices
Advocate proactively on issues / developments affecting the watershed
To sustain the organization.
Promote the Association
Build a strong membership and volunteer base
Secure a sound financial foundation
Develop the Board and outline a succession plan for future leadership
Partner with other organizations, businesses, and government entities
Recognize climate change & environmental inequity as major issues that impact all
AWA's Strategic Goals
Watershed Monitoring
Monitor the creek through Aquetong Spring Park & other branches of the watershed.
Develop watershed monitoring plan.
Review and compile previous assessments and provide recommendations for the future of the watershed.
Develop stormwater monitoring & mapping program.
Develop benchmarks to demonstrate water quality goals.
Position ourselves as the watchdog for Aquetong Spring Park.
Develop and maintain relationships with public and private entities.
Address major issues impacting the watershed as they arise.
Encourage Solebury and New Hope to achieve deliverables in their Comprehensive Plans regarding watershed, water, stormwater, & sewage issues.
Initiatives & Partnerships
Work on delisting the Aquetong Creek from the PADEP impairment list.
Coordinate more projects and volunteer opportunities to reach new members and engage the community.
Partner with organizations and businesses to promote change.
Focus on community partnerships that benefit the ecology and restoration of the watershed.
Annually grant a Malcolm P. Crooks scholarship.
Improve organizational effectiveness, structure, & internal communication.
Develop annual goals for each year and communicate them to our membership.
Develop succession plan & committee structure with more board participation
Maintain data depository.
Community outreach
Improve method & effectiveness of communication to the membership and community.
Engage more volunteers and expand membership.
Maintain website as a valuable resource for community.
Focus engagement on local schools & young people.
Educate the public through social media, outreach, & events.
Banner photograph provided by Donald Schoenleber.