Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips

To generate the electricity that powers our homes, non-renewable fossil fuels are often used. These fuels contribute significantly to climate change and have other impacts, including air pollution. Reducing the amount of energy you use directly reduces the amount of fuels burned to generate your electricity. According to the PA Energy Information Administration, the main sources of electricity in PA are natural gas, nuclear, and coal.

Tips to reduce your energy usage:

  • ENERGY SOURCE: You can select your energy provider (always managed locally through PECO). You can select a provider that uses 100% renewable sources for a comparable (sometimes lower!) price than non-renewable sources:

  • LIGHTING: switch your light bulbs to LEDs, turn off lights when not in use, install motion sensors lights and smart bulbs

  • HOME IMPROVEMENTS: install double-paned windows, seal windows and doors, update insulation, check ducts for leaks, service your HVAC, change furnace filters, upgrade furnaces and hot water heaters, consider installing solar panels

  • THERMOSTAT: install a smart thermostat, reduce home temp in winter, increase home temp in summer, change settings for night time or when not in the home, use fans

  • KITCHEN: keep fridge and freezer full (add water bottles if you need to bulk up the space), don’t peek in the oven when baking, upgrade to efficient appliances, only run dishwasher when load is full

  • WATER: wash laundry in cold water, take shorter and cooler showers, turn down water heater

  • CAR: do not idle your vehicle, consider purchasing an electric car, use the AC when driving over 35mph on hot days.

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