Reduce Plastic Waste


Plastic is ubiquitous in our lives. Almost anything you buy is wrapped in plastic, shipped in plastic, carried in plastic. From food to paper to clothes, plastic has needlessly infiltrated itself in almost everything. This familiar material is a major and complex environmental problem for a variety of reasons. First, it takes fossil fuels to generate new plastic, a process that is a major contributor to climate change. Tiny microfibers from washing synthetic fiber clothes (like polyester, microfleece) enters our waterways, contaminating water. All that plastic single use plastic now to be disposed of, now more problems arise. Good intended folks will recycle the plastic but unfortunately only 9% of what is put in the recycle bin actually gets recycled. Plastic is a major source of litter, once in the environment, it breaks down into tiny pieces and is consumed by organisms (and eventually people too!) and contaminates soil and water.

It is best to try to reduce the amount of plastic consumed. Reducing single use plastic and consumption in general is a great way to limit these impacts. This life-style change is sometimes called “zero waste.”


  • Reduce food waste, including joining a CSA and buying from a bulk store

  • Drink tap water rather than bottled water (tap water is very clean in the Aquetong)

  • Replace paper towels with cloth towels

  • Select products that come in glass or metal cans over plastic

  • Call companies and request to no longer receive their junk mail

  • Purchase secondhand items when possible (local thrift shops include - Good Stuff and Open Door Thrift Store)

  • Make your own household all-purpose cleaners (reuse an old spray bottle and fill with equal parts vinegar and water)

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